Source code for morpheus.core.helpers

# MIT License
# Copyright 2018 Ryan Hausen
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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# ==============================================================================
"""Helper classes used in Morpheus."""

import os

from types import FunctionType
from typing import List
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

from colorama import init, Fore
from import fits


[docs]class TFLogger: """A helper class to color the logging text in TensorFlow.""" RED = lambda s: Fore.RED + str(s) + Fore.RESET BLUE = lambda s: Fore.BLUE + str(s) + Fore.RESET YELLOW = lambda s: Fore.YELLOW + str(s) + Fore.RESET GREEN = lambda s: Fore.GREEN + str(s) + Fore.RESET LIGHTRED = lambda s: Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + str(s) + Fore.RESET
[docs] @staticmethod def info(msg: str) -> None: """Log at info level in green. @staticmethod @staticmethodgged @staticmethod Returns: None """
[docs] @staticmethod def debug(msg: str) -> None: """Log at debug level in yellow. Args: msg (str): The string to be logged Returns: None """ tf.logging.debug(TFLogger.YELLOW(msg))
[docs] @staticmethod def warn(msg: str) -> None: """Log at warn level in lightred. Args: msg (str): The string to be logged Returns: None """ tf.logging.warning(TFLogger.LIGHTRED(msg))
[docs] @staticmethod def error(msg: str): """Log at error level in red. Args: msg (str): The string to be logged Returns: None """ tf.logging.error(TFLogger.RED(msg))
[docs] @staticmethod def tensor_shape(tensor: tf.Tensor, log_func=None, format_str="[{}]::{}") -> None: """Log the the shape of tensor 't'. Args: tensor (tf.Tensor): A tensorflow Tensor logging_func (func): logging function to to use, default tf_logger.debug format_str (str): A string that will be passed will have .format called on it and given two arguments in the following order: - tensor_name - tensor_shape Returns: None """ if log_func is None: log_func = TFLogger.debug log_func(format_str.format(, tensor.shape.as_list()))
[docs]class OptionalFunc: """Descriptor protocol for functions that don't have to overriden. This is a helper class that is used to stub methods that don't have to be overridden. """
[docs] def placeholder(self, *args): """Placeholder function used as default in __init__""" return list(args)
def __init__(self, warn_msg: str, init_func: FunctionType = None): """""" self._warn_msg = warn_msg self._func = init_func if init_func else self.placeholder self._is_default = True def __get__( self, obj, type=None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> FunctionType: if self._is_default: TFLogger.warn(self._warn_msg) return self._func def __set__(self, obj, value) -> None: self._is_default = False self._func = value
[docs]class FitsHelper: """A class that handles basic FITS file functions."""
[docs] @staticmethod def create_file(file_name: str, data_shape: tuple, dtype) -> None: """Creates a fits file without loading it into memory. This is a helper method to create large FITS files without loading an array into memory. The method follows the direction given at: Args: file_name (str): the complete path to the file to be created. data_shape (tuple): a tuple describe the shape of the file to be created dtype (numpy datatype): the numpy datatype used in the array Raises: ValueError if dtype is not one of: - np.unit8 - np.int16 - np.int32 - np.float32 - np.float64 TODO: Figure out why this throws warning about size occasionally when files that are created by it are opened """ bytes_per_value = 0 if dtype == np.uint8: bytes_per_value = 1 elif dtype == np.int16: bytes_per_value = 2 elif dtype == np.int32: bytes_per_value = 4 elif dtype == np.float32: bytes_per_value = 4 elif dtype == np.float64: bytes_per_value = 8 if bytes_per_value == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid dtype") stub_size = [100, 100] if len(data_shape) == 3: stub_size.append(5) stub = np.zeros(stub_size, dtype=dtype) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=stub) header = hdu.header while len(header) < (36 * 4 - 1): header.append() header["NAXIS1"] = data_shape[1] header["NAXIS2"] = data_shape[0] if len(data_shape) == 3: header["NAXIS3"] = data_shape[2] header.tofile(file_name) with open(file_name, "rb+") as f: header_size = len(header.tostring()) data_size = ( * bytes_per_value) - 1 + data_size) f.write(b"\0")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_files( file_names: List[str], mode: str = "readonly" ) -> (List[fits.HDUList], List[np.ndarray]): """Gets the HDULS and data handles for all the files in file_names. This is a convience function to opening multiple FITS files using memmap. Args: file_names (List[str]): a list of file names including paths to FITS files mode (str): the mode to pass to Returns: Tuple of a list numpy arrays that are the mmapped data handles for each of the FITS files and the HDULs that go along with them """ arrays = [] hduls = [] for f in file_names: hdul =, mode=mode, memmap=True) arrays.append(hdul[0].data) # Astropy problem pylint: disable=E1101 hduls.append(hdul) return hduls, arrays
[docs] @staticmethod def create_mean_var_files( shape: List[int], out_dir: str ) -> (List[fits.HDUList], List[np.ndarray]): """Creates the output fits files for the mean/variance morpheus output. Args: shape (List[int]): The shape to use when making the FITS files out_dir (str): the directory to place the files in. Will make it if it doesn't already exist. Returns: List[fits.HDUList]: for the created files Dict(str, np.ndarray): a dictionary where the key is the data descriptor and the value is the memmapped data numpy array """ data_keys = [] file_names = [] for morph in LabelHelper.MORPHOLOGIES: for t in ["mean", "var"]: f = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{morph}_{t}.fits") file_names.append(f) data_keys.append(f"{morph}_{t}") FitsHelper.create_file(f, shape, np.float32) hduls, arrays = FitsHelper.get_files(file_names, mode="update") return hduls, {k: v for k, v in zip(data_keys, arrays)}
[docs] @staticmethod def create_rank_vote_files( shape: List[int], out_dir: str ) -> (List[fits.HDUList], List[np.ndarray]): """Creates the output fits files for the rank vote morpheus output. Args: shape (List[int]): The shape to use when making the FITS files out_dir (str): the directory to place the files in. Will make it if it doesn't already exist. Returns: List[fits.HDUList]: for the created files Dict(str, np.ndarray): a dictionary where the key is the data descriptor and the value is the memmapped data numpy array """ data_keys = [] file_names = [] for morph in LabelHelper.MORPHOLOGIES: f = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{morph}.fits") file_names.append(f) data_keys.append(morph) FitsHelper.create_file(f, shape, np.float32) hduls, arrays = FitsHelper.get_files(file_names, mode="update") return hduls, {k: v for k, v in zip(data_keys, arrays)}
[docs] @staticmethod def create_n_file( shape: List[int], out_dir: str ) -> (List[fits.HDUList], List[np.ndarray]): """Creates the output fits files for the rank vote morpheus output. Args: shape (List[int]): The shape to use when making the FITS files out_dir (str): the directory to place the files in. Will make it if it doesn't already exist. Returns: List[fits.HDUList]: for the created files Dict(str, np.ndarray): a dictionary where the key is the data descriptor and the value is the memmapped data numpy array """ n_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "n.fits") FitsHelper.create_file(n_path, shape, np.int16) hduls, arrays = FitsHelper.get_files([n_path], mode="update") return hduls, {"n": arrays[0]}
[docs]class LabelHelper: """Class to help with label updates. Class Variables: UPDATE_MASK (np.ndarray): the (40, 40) integer array that indicates which parts of the output of the model to include in the calculations. default: innermost (30,30) UPDATE_MASK_N (np.ndarray): the (40, 40) integer array that indicates which parts of the count 'n' to udpate. default: all (40, 40) """ MORPHOLOGIES = ["spheroid", "disk", "irregular", "point_source", "background"] UPDATE_MASK = np.pad(np.ones([30, 30]), 5, mode="constant").astype(np.int16) UPDATE_MASK_N = np.ones([40, 40], dtype=np.int16)
[docs] @staticmethod def index_generator(dim0: int, dim1: int) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]: """Creates a generator that returns indices to iterate over a 2d array. Args: dim0 (int): The upper limit to iterate up to for the first dimension dim1 (int): The upper limit to iterate up to for the second dimension Returns: A generator that yields indices to iterate over a 2d array with shape [dim0, dim1] """ for y in range(dim0): for x in range(dim1): yield (y, x)
[docs] @staticmethod def windowed_index_generator(dim0: int, dim1: int) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]: """Creates a generator that returns window limited indices over a 2d array. THe generator returned by this method will yield the indices for the use of a sliding window of size `N_UPDATE_MASK.shape` over a 2d array with the size `(dim0, dim1)`. Args: dim0 (int): The upper limit to iterate up to for the first dimension dim1 (int): The upper limit to iterate up to for the second dimension Returns: A generator that yields indices to iterate over a 2d array with shape [dim0, dim1] """ window_y, window_x = LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK_N.shape final_y = dim0 - window_y + 1 final_x = dim1 - window_x + 1 return LabelHelper.index_generator(final_y, final_x)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_final_map(shape: List[int], y: int, x: int): """Creates a pixel mapping that flags pixels that won't be updated again. Args: shape (List[int]): the shape of the array that x and y are indexing y (int): the current y index x (int): the current x index Returns: A list of relative indices that won't be updated again. """ final_map = [] end_y = y == (shape[0] - LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK_N.shape[0]) end_x = x == (shape[1] - LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK_N.shape[1]) if end_y and end_x: for _y in range(5, 35): for _x in range(5, 35): final_map.append((_y, _x)) else: if end_x: final_map.extend([(5, _x) for _x in range(5, 35)]) if end_y: final_map.extend([(_y, 5) for _y in range(5, 35)]) if not final_map: final_map.append((5, 5)) return final_map
[docs] @staticmethod def iterative_mean( n: np.ndarray, curr_mean: np.ndarray, x_n: np.ndarray, update_mask: np.ndarray ): """Calculates the mean of collection in an online fashion. The values are calculated using the following equation:, eq. 4 Args: n (np.ndarray): a 2d array containing the number of terms in mean so far, prev_mean (np.ndarray): the current calculated mean. x_n (np.ndarray): the new values to add to the mean update_mask (np.ndarray): a 2d boolean array indicating which indices in the array should be updated. Returns: An array with the same shape as the curr_mean with the newly calculated mean values. """ _n = n.copy() _n[_n == 0] = 1 return curr_mean + ((x_n - curr_mean) / _n * update_mask)
[docs] @staticmethod def iterative_variance( prev_sn: np.ndarray, x_n: np.ndarray, prev_mean: np.ndarray, curr_mean: np.ndarray, update_mask: np.ndarray, ): """The first of two methods used to calculate the variance online. This method specifically calculates the $S_n$ value as indicated in equation 24 from: Args: prev_sn (np.ndarray): the $S_n$ value from the previous step x_n (np.ndarray): the current incoming values prev_mean (np.ndarray): the mean that was previously calculated curr_mean (np.ndarray): the mean, including the current values update_mask (np.ndarray): a boolean mask indicating which values to update Returns: An np.ndarray containg the current value for $S_n$ """ return prev_sn + ((x_n - prev_mean) * (x_n - curr_mean) * update_mask)
[docs] @staticmethod def finalize_variance( n: np.ndarray, curr_sn: np.ndarray, final_map: List[Tuple[int, int]] ): """The second of two methods used to calculate the variance online. This method calculates the final variance value using equation 25 from but without performing the square root. Args: n (np.ndarray): the current number of values included in the calculation curr_sn (np.ndarray): the current $S_n$ values final_map List[(y, x)]: a list of indices to calculate the final variance for Returns: A np.ndarray with the current $S_n$ values and variance values for all indices in final_map """ final_n = np.ones_like(n) for y, x in final_map: final_n[y, x] = n[y, x] return curr_sn / final_n
[docs] @staticmethod def iterative_rank_vote( x_n: np.ndarray, prev_count: np.ndarray, update_mask: np.ndarray ): """Calculates the updated values for the rank vote labels for a one class. Args: x_n (np.ndarray): the current rank vote values for the class being updated prev_count (np.ndarray): the array containing the running totals, should be shaped as [labels, height, width] update_mask (np.ndarray): a boolean array indicating which values to update Returns: A numpy array containing the updated count values """ update = np.zeros_like(prev_count) for i in range(update.shape[0]): for j in range(update.shape[1]): if update_mask[i, j] and (x_n[i, j] == 4): update[i, j] = 1 count = prev_count + update return count
[docs] @staticmethod def update_ns(data: dict, batch_idx: List[Tuple[int, int]], inc: int = 1) -> None: """Updates the n values by `inc`. Args: data (dict): a dictionary of numpy arrays containing the data batch_idx (List[Tuple[int, int]]): a list of indices to update inc (int): the number to increment `n` by. Default=1 Returns None """ window_y, window_x = LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK_N.shape for y, x in batch_idx: ys = slice(y, y + window_y) xs = slice(x, x + window_x) ns = data["n"][ys, xs] n_update = LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK_N * LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK * inc ns = ns + n_update data["n"][ys, xs] = ns
[docs] @staticmethod def update_mean_var( data: dict, labels: np.ndarray, batch_idx: List[Tuple[int, int]] ): """Updates the mean and variance outputs with the new model values. Args: data (dict): a dict of numpy arrays containing the data labels (np.ndarray): the new output from the model batch_idx (List[Tuple[int, int]]): a list of indices to update Returns: None """ window_y, window_x = LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK_N.shape total_shape = data["n"].shape for i, l in enumerate(labels): y, x = batch_idx[i] LabelHelper.update_ns(data, [(y, x)]) ys = slice(y, y + window_y) xs = slice(x, x + window_x) final_map = LabelHelper.get_final_map(total_shape, y, x) n = data["n"][ys, xs] for j, morph in enumerate(LabelHelper.MORPHOLOGIES): k_mean = f"{morph}_mean" k_var = f"{morph}_var" x_n = l[:, :, j] prev_mean = data[k_mean][ys, xs] prev_var = data[k_var][ys, xs] mean = LabelHelper.iterative_mean( n, prev_mean, x_n, LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK ) var = LabelHelper.iterative_variance( prev_var, x_n, prev_mean, mean, LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK ) var = LabelHelper.finalize_variance(n, var, final_map) data[k_mean][ys, xs] = mean data[k_var][ys, xs] = var
[docs] @staticmethod def update_rank_vote( data: dict, labels: np.ndarray, batch_idx: List[Tuple[int, int]] ) -> None: """Updates the rank vote values with the new output. Args: data (dict): data (dict): a dict of numpy arrays containing the data labels (np.ndarray): the new output from the model batch_idx (List[Tuple[int, int]]): a list of indices to update Returns: None """ window_y, window_x = LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK_N.shape for i, l in enumerate(labels): y, x = batch_idx[i] ys = slice(y, y + window_y) xs = slice(x, x + window_x) ranked = l.argsort().argsort() for j, morph in enumerate(LabelHelper.MORPHOLOGIES): prev_count = data[morph][ys, xs] count = LabelHelper.iterative_rank_vote( ranked[:, :, j], prev_count, LabelHelper.UPDATE_MASK ) data[morph][ys, xs] = count
[docs] @staticmethod def update_labels( data: dict, labels: np.ndarray, batch_idx: List[Tuple[int, int]], out_type: str ) -> None: """Updates the running total label values with the new output values. Args: data (dict): data (dict): a dict of numpy arrays containing the data labels (np.ndarray): the new output from the model batch_idx (List[Tuple[int, int]]): a list of indices to update out_type (str): indicates which type of output to update must be one of ['mean_var', 'rank_vote', 'both'] Returns: None """ if out_type == "mean_var": LabelHelper.update_mean_var(data, labels, batch_idx) elif out_type == "rank_vote": LabelHelper.update_ns(data, batch_idx) LabelHelper.update_rank_vote(data, labels, batch_idx) else: LabelHelper.update_mean_var(data, labels, batch_idx) LabelHelper.update_rank_vote(data, labels, batch_idx)
[docs] @staticmethod def make_mean_var_arrays(shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> dict: """Create output arrays for use in in-memory classification. Args: shape (Tuple[int]): The 2d (width, height) for to create the arrays Returns A dictionary with keys being the arrays description and values being the array itself """ arrays = {} for morph in LabelHelper.MORPHOLOGIES: for t in ["mean", "var"]: arrays[f"{morph}_{t}"] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) return arrays
[docs] @staticmethod def make_rank_vote_arrays(shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> dict: """Create output arrays for use in in-memory classification. Args: shape (Tuple[int]): The 2d (width, height) for to create the arrays Returns A dictionary with keys being the arrays description and values being the array itself """ shape = [shape[0], shape[1]] arrays = {} for morph in LabelHelper.MORPHOLOGIES: arrays[morph] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) return arrays
[docs] @staticmethod def make_n_array(shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> dict: """Create an output array for use in in-memory classification. Args: shape (Tuple[int]): The 2d (width, height) for to create the arrays Returns A dictionary with keys being the arrays description and values being the array itself """ return {"n": np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.int16)}
[docs] @staticmethod def finalize_rank_vote(data: dict) -> None: """Finalize the rank vote by dividing by n. Args: data (dict): a dict of numpy arrays containing the data TODO: Refactor to accommodate large files Returns: None """ n = data["n"] for morph in LabelHelper.MORPHOLOGIES: m = data[morph].copy() m = np.divide(m, n, out=np.zeros_like(m, dtype=np.float32), where=n != 0) data[morph][:, :] = m[:, :]